Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Big News

Well, you have probably noticed that I've been a little "MIA" in blogworld lately. Aside from training from my upcoming triathlon (this weekend), co-hosting my sister-in-law's baby shower bash, having yet another garage sale, working on homeschool curriculum and helping my husband with a big church project... I've opened up a photography business!

I've always loved portrait photography and decided that it would be a great 'from-home' business. Although I jested a while back about the title, Captured by an Angel, -it has actually stuck as the company name! I have decided that as much as I love doing this and enjoy the extra income, my dedication as wife and mother must come first...so if I start to slack in those areas, I've got to kick it in gear! I want to continue to be honoring first and foremost to Christ and right now that means balance in my priorities.

I had my first photo shoot three weeks ago and have been busy ever since! I'm excited and overwhelmed as my calendar is already filling up! Here are a few pictures that I did for a family a couple of weeks ago... Enjoy! (Can you tell I love black & white pics?)


  1. I love those pictures,I love b&w too!
    Good luck on the race.Mines on the 4th tho yours is a toughie!

  2. Very cool! I, too, love photography. It is so much fun to capture personalities on film - but especially God's creation! Have fun!

  3. what kind of camera are you using?
