Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Little Swimmers (And Father's Day)

We had such a wonderful father's day weekend! On Saturday we all went out fishing again until the late hours of the night... On Sunday we had the opportunity to go to my parent's home and swim! The boys did great and we had such a nice time relaxing with daddy and grandpa!

The boys sit on the hot tub while we wait for daddy to come and jump in the pool with us!

The boys and daddy in the pool... don't you just love how deflated that raft is around youngest?

All wrapped up after lots of pool time!

Seriously- I didn't ask them to pose like homeboys, but the sun was really bright and I think oldest was a little agitated. *grin*

Youngest enjoyed riding on daddy more than anything else! And- how cute are those Elmo floaties?

Had to get a picture of this one! Oldest was constantly diving head first into Grandpa's 'treasure' chest of water paraphernalia. I just missed his feet sticking straight up in the air!

My man's got SKILLS! :)


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