Sunday, June 29, 2008

It Is Done!

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Triathlon 2008

I swam...

I biked...

I ran...

I relaxed!

(That's pretty much it in a nutshell!)


  1. Hi
    Congratulations !!!
    I am so proud of you!
    That relaxation part sounds so good!!!

    PS:Where has Tracy disappeared to?Her blog has been deleted

  2. Great Job Angel!! I'm very proud of your discipline to train for that. AWESOME! I miss you, I need to call you and catch up sometime when a have a minute to breathe! Meghan

  3. Wow girl! Way to go!! I'm very happy for you to have accomplished this big goal! One day I would like to participate in one of these but for now I need to get past running in the heat!! CONGRATS on finishing your first tri!!!
