Sunday, December 9, 2007

Home Is Where The Heart Is

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

Joshua 24:15

I am daily amazed at the kindness of our God. He is so good! He has taken care of our family and kept us from making some potentially very bad decisions. It has been one full year now since we sold our first home! Although I miss the memories, I am so grateful for our new home and community!

In October 2006 my husband accepted a position at a University as the Assistant Registrar a little over an hour away. It was a solid sixty plus miles of highway driving at the maximum allowed speed...any traffic congestion and that one hour would quickly turn to two.

We were very excited about his new job and promptly put our house on the market. We had been thinking about moving and this was just the little 'nudge' that we needed! It sold in a record 42 days in the slow and unmoving fall and winter market. Our Realtor, Anita, was a Godly woman of prayer and I know that the Lord used her! After closing, we had not yet found a house and moved in with my parents who were all to kind enough to let us call their house 'ours' for the month.

It became evident to us after months of searching for a home in the rural areas outside of his university that we were not going to find a good match for our family. The stress and painful 12 hour workdays of my husbands job began to wear on us all mentally and physically. So, after much prayer and counsel, we began looking for a home just miles from where we had originally lived. As a family we knew that settling for a home to be close to a job that needed to come to an end was not a wise decision. Oh, how I look back and praise the Lord for His hand on us at that time!

We found a beautiful home in a newer neighborhood nestled right in our local farm community. We were minutes from my parents (they couldn't be more thrilled about that) and closer to my husbands family as well. The price was perfect and the house met our needs beautifully. The sellers were very motivated and excited to work with us! With the help of our family and friends, we moved in just three weeks later. Approximately six months later, with the blessing of his employer and staff at the university, my husband changed positions and is now much closer to home!

I am reminded of the Lord's perfect wisdom and direction. He knew right where we needed to be in all areas; professionally, spiritually, and communally. We are truly blessed and I desire to thank Him daily! Be reminded that as you seek Him for direction, that even in the 'trials', God has His hand on your 'trail'.

"Our Home of Memories"

"Oh, My Growing Babies!"

"Daddy & Mommy say 'Goodbye'!"

"We Loved Our Fabulous Realtor, Anita!"

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