Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December Giveaway! "Christmas Child" DVD

December Giveaway: "Christmas Child" DVD
Inspired by storyteller Max Lucado

This Christmas season, enjoy the story of "Christmas Child" on DVD. Actors include Steven Curtis Chapman, Megan Follows (Anne of Green Gables) and William R. Moses.

To be entered for the drawing, please leave a comment on this posting about your favorite Christmas memory!

Please take a moment to post a link to this giveaway on your blog also. I would be very grateful!

Our family was able to watch and enjoy and now I'd like to share it with you and yours!

Merry Christmas!

This drawing will end on Wednesday December 12th at 2pm.


  1. I tagged you for a Christmas meme...if you want to play. Just for fun. Am I allowed to enter even though I won last time??? :)

  2. Wow, thanks for doing this. Please count me in.

  3. Our family loves this time of the year. It just wouldn't seem like the month of December without Charlie Brown. Please enter us in your drawing.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. OK. Here's one of my favorite memories:

    It was our first Christmas with our first child, Hannah. We bought her a Mickey Mouse toy that crawled and played music anytime you touched it. Do you remember those?

    So, Christmas morning we help her open it, set it one the floor, and waited to watch her have fun with it. Well, as soon as it started playing the music and crawling toward her she high-tailed it in the opposite direction. FAST! She didn't cry or anything, but she did NOT want to play with it. She went the other way anytime it started moving towards her. It took a few days, but she got used to it and eventually learned to give it a bop and follow along behind it. And eventually I got tired of hearing those songs over and over again.

  5. Hi,
    I'm a new reader of your blog :)
    (Also fellow homeschooler).

    My favorite Christmas memory, was 2 years ago, my husband and my two children flew to Wyoming to surprise my sister (my best friend) and her family for Christmas. (My brother in law was in on it.) My sister has nine kids, and they are an awesome Christian, homeschooling family.

    My brother in law got all of his family and my sister in the living room,and then he snuck out and called us on our cell phone. We drove up quietly, snuck up to the door, and rang the door bell. My bro in law told my sister to answer the door, and we all had bows on our heads and yelled out MERRY CHRISTMAS. It was MAGICAL. She cried, I cried, all her kids came running, my kids were jumping up and down, and my husband was beaming, becuase it was HIS IDEA. :)

    Kelly in Michigan

  6. Sorry, I was supposed to write a favorite memory. I guess it was the Christmas it snowed 2 feet starting at noon Christmas day so all of our family was safe and together at my parents. We all had to spend the night and it was so much fun. The boys were really little and probably don't remember it. I always will.

  7. One of my favorite memories is from when I was dating my husband. We went surfing with his Uncle Christmas morning. My husbands Uncle has access to some pristine and private California coast line. We hit the beach before dawn. The guys caught some waves. I sat on the shore with Uncle's girlfriend. I watched them surf, read the Bible, knitted and got to know (now Aunt) Randy.

    When they were done surfing, Uncle Dennis made omelets right there on the beach and we had strong hot coffee.

    We were home in plenty of time for present opening and a great Christmas morning with family.

    I'm thinking of resurrecting the surfing on Christmas morning this year. It was a sweet and special time.
