Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkin Patches & Rainy Days

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22
This morning the boys and I got up nice and early to venture out and do some errands. We enjoyed our time at the library, post office, and then to Sam's Club... or as my oldest refers to it, "Samples Club". Oh, for the joy of some good eatin' out on the run!
After we finished, we stopped by Grandpa & Grandma's house on the way home. My mom was in the mood for an adventure and had the great idea of hayrides and pumpkin patches for the morning field trip. I called around and found a few places that had it's fields open, but no hayrides. So, we set out on our little adventure...with Grandpa & Grandma in tow.
Unfortunately, as soon as we stepped out the front door, it began to rain. Oh, well- we're the ambitious folk! Nothing will stop our harvest fieldtrip! We drove to a farm market that I like to frequent (about 25 minutes) from our home. As we were making the turn down the lane, my dad commented, "Hmmm, I thought we were going to Hoffmans. This sign say's "Yutzy's". It then dawned on me that I had the complete WRONG market in mind than what I had called earlier that morning.
Thankfully, they too had a pumpkin patch. Unfortunately, it was closed to visitors. Actually, it turned out quite nice because they had already picked out some gorgeous pumpkins and had them sitting for sale on the front porch of the market. The pictures weren't as classic as I'd hoped for, but with all the mud and rain, it was really a blessing! (I also was able to do some shopping inside too- Yummy!)
Enjoy the pictures and have a blessed day!
Mommy & Bubby with our BIG pumpkin!
At the Farm Market with his pumpkin.
Grandma, Lil' Bub, & Mommy


  1. Angel ~

    I would love to be able to email you back, directly from the nice comments you leave me. Here is a post I wrote a long time ago, explaining things.


    I'm glad you ended up having a great time anyway at the pumpkin place! It's been rainy and gloomy here, too, so I know all about the mud and junk! =)

    Your chicken recipe sounds delish! I have one sort of like that, but not with sour cream. I will definitely give it a try though!

    Seeing your little guy on the big Cat equipment reminds me of how much MY "little guy" (now 18) loved it, too. We use Caterpillar farm equipment with tracks on it - just like what's in your photo. He would love it!! =)

    And a quick comment from your email today about heart attitudes. Isn't it just like God to make US change before our kids will? That God - He's one smart guy! =)

    Hope your week is going good!

    P.S. You can read this comment, and then delete it without posting it if you want. =)

    ~ Leah

  2. What a cute pumpkin for Lil' bub! Looks like fun!

  3. Love the tiny pumpkin! Sorry it rained...kids don't seem to care about that do they? :)

    ...and that chicken dish in your last post...I make one almost exactally like it all the time, it is one of our favorites!
