Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Grandpa & Friends

"Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
My dad is the neighborhood "grandpa" to the kids on their block. His second shift job allows him to be home during the day and go into work in the evening. His day is free to work around the house on the many projects (my mom is smiling right now...) and be with the grandkids and neighborhood children who adore him.
My parent's neighbors are a wonderful Christian family who have opened up their home to many beautiful children either through fostering or adoption. I think currently there is 8 in the home under the age of 13. They love my dad. He is always outside working on some project that "needs" their help and they can't wait to jump in alongside him and my boys.
I came over the other afternoon after some grocery shopping and found my youngest on Grandpa's lap and five others (including my oldest) on his "hayride" wagon. Had to grab the camera! They were all in giggles as he "hooped & hollared" on each turn. I am so happy that my children (as well as all those cutie's from the neighborhood) have a great man of God that is loving them now and one day will mentor them to be great fathers and grandpa's.
Aren't we so blessed that our Heavely Father adores us even so much more? Be blessed today and dwell on the verse above about Christ's love for the children. We are his children and he desires us to come to him...even now.


  1. Unselfish men like your dad are rare. My husband's grandfather was that kind of man. We miss him so much.

  2. Angel,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It is so fun to "meet" new people!

    I look foward to visiting your blog again. I'm amazed that you're training for a half-marathon. You go, girl!
