Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ready To Shop?

washing cloths

If you are trying to break out of the rut of a materialistic Christmas, I would like to recommend to you Gospel for Asia.

Gospel for Asia (or GFA) is a ministry that builds support for indigenous Asian missionaries. Native missionaries are extraordinarily effective since they have already mastered the languages and nuances of their cultures. Today, over 85 percent of Asian countries do not allow western missionaries to come and freely preach the Gospel and plant churches. These brothers and sisters in Christ live purposefully at the level of their neighbors, often in severe poverty, all for the sake of the Gospel. GFA passes on 100% of your donations directly to the missionaries or the cause that you designate.

For an eye opening experience, take a peek through the GFA Christmas catalogue at Here you can find water purifiers, water buffaloes, wells and a spring of life overflowing.

This Christmas, please bust traditional self-gratification and buy an Asian a chicken! Such a small gift will be an incredible blessing! A great legacy to give to your children...


  1. The Christmas before last I got so annoyed at all the "stuff" (in stores, in our house, etc.) that we decided to limit our Christmas gifts to each other GREATLY before my boys get to used to being overwhelmed at Christmas. I LOVE Christmas. One of those reasons is because I love giving gifts...especially to my children, so this was the hardest for me! My kids LOVED what we did last year and have already asked to do it again. We are involved with Voice of the Martyrs and do what is similar probably to what you have posted here. We told them they could make me a list of 5 things they wanted and they would maybe get 3. Nothing expensive (I spent under $50 each...that was hard for me!) and it really made them think about what they wanted. They loved what we did for Voice of the Martyrs and we are going to do it again this year. Mercy Ships is on my list too. I will check this link out that you gave as well. (I hope it didn't seem like I am bragging about this...just sharing what we did!)

  2. I got turned on to this after reading Revolution in World Missions. That book completely changed the way I look at missions among those unreached people groups in Asia. Have you read that book? Thanks for sharing this.

  3. We just received a similar catalog from Samaritan's Purse and like to give these to our 4 nieces.
