Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Endurance To The End

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"

Philippians 4:13

Okay, mommies...remember when the blessed event finally arrived? After nine months of waiting and waiting and waiting your little one was prepared to make their grand entrance into the world! You prepare for the labor. You plan for the birth. You even buy special objects to get you through it. We all go through it. For some, the pain and hours endured during the labor and delivery process was less than others, but we still had to endure through it. With our husband by our side we again had to be patient and wait throughout the process.

God designed our bodies with such precision that, barring any complications, the baby will make it's way from the security of the mothers womb to the hands of the awaiting doctor or midwife. The pain is intense and the process involuntary. Even when we turned to the nurse and proclaimed that "We were done! Thanks anyway, but I've decided to go home!", we were gently reminded, "Sorry, honey...but it's too late now!" And we endured... until that beautiful baby was placed on our chest.

I thought about this as I ran my race this last weekend. I was only a couple of miles from the finish line and I was exhausted. My feet were numb, my hands and arms tingled, and my legs begged for a break from the endless auto pilot of movement. For months I have trained and prepared for this day. I have endured the long runs, invested in the gear, and planned for these last begrudging miles.

God designed our bodies, barring any physical handicaps, to carry us to that finish line. Run it, walk it, or crawl it. We were going to finish it. As the miles started creeping up and up, I started noticing people stop running and moving to the left or right of the road. Bending over to catch their breath...stopping for a restroom break...guzzling water and then crashing to the grassy curb. Some even shaking their heads and unlacing their running shoes.

This pain was voluntary. I wasn't dealing with the pain I had no way of stopping... I was causing the pain! Myself and all the other runners that day could have stopped at mile one or two..or twelve. Trust me, by mile twelve I definitely wanted to stop. It was everything I had to push myself across the finish line. There was joy in finishing! Sheer willpower and craziness pushed us to continue. I can honestly say that it is the most pain that I have purposely put my body through in my entire life. And through Christ, I endured...until that medal was placed around my neck.

Endure, my friends through the voluntary trials of life. Remember, it is Christ who gives us strength to push on!

1 comment:

  1. There is a verse in 2 Peter that makes me think of this it is (I like the whole section...verses 2-11...3 is my favorite) verse 11 says, "and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" I just picture stepping into heaven and "crossing that finish line" it will be done...our time on earth. Press on...even though it can be painful! It will be worth it "you will receive a rich welcome" wow!
