Monday, October 13, 2008

Our day at the pumpkin farm!

We first waited in line for the hayride that would take us out to the pumpkin patch. And waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, it arrived and off we went!

My youngest reaches up for daddy's hand to get up an enormous bale of hay. There was nothing graceful about walking in this hay barn...the first step down I took had me landing right on my bum. And I wasn't even wearing my trendy little heels!

Part of the ticket price included a homemade doughnut and apple juice. My youngest went to aboslute pieces when part of his fell on the ground in a grand escape from the attacking bees.

We all sit to pose on some major big pumpkins on a photo op wagon.

On the hayride...
A large pumpkin amidst some hearty mums!

Little one lays an egg...err pumpkin.

My little pumpkins.

Yes, I'm a dork. Hubby picked a flower for me out in the pumpkin patch, so I just had to pose for a quick pic for him!

You can't tell, but the boys are quite high up in the hay barn at this point. There were slides that started at the top loft area and landed them in huge piles of hay at the bottom of the barn.

Another enjoyable shot of the pumpkin patch. Probably my favorite...

The boys and I coming out of the hay barn.

Could he have picked a bigger pumpkin?

Oldest called me over and said that I should take his picture while he was good n' ready. (He usually despises pics and I apparently needed to take advantage of this photo opportunity)

Little one found a piece of broken pumpkin stem and it was the joy of the day!

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