Monday, October 20, 2008

1/2 Marathon Update

My third 1/2 marathon medal now hangs with the others!

So, of course... I have to show the picture of all my race clothing laid out. I'm oddly organized when it comes to running.

Ahhh....yes. So now you all know that I'm a shameless dork at 5:30am.

This is my dear friend "J" that I've been buddies with since elementary school. She is super awesome and a great runner! She was a great support and we had a fabulous time!

Hubby didn't have the camera quite ready as I crossed the finish line, so I turned around after finally crossing to give him a kodak moment shot!

Here we are! Hoorah we finished!


  1. yay! looks like you had a great time! i'm the same way, i always lay everything out the night before.

  2. i thought i commented on this, but i guess not.

    anyway, GREAT JOB! sounds like you had a fun time!

  3. The Giving Thanks challenge begins today. I hope you'll participate again this year!
