Friday, August 15, 2008

My Remedy to Snow

Can I just say how absolutely blessed I feel today? Totally and completely. Alright, let me back up just a tad...

A few days ago my sister-in-law asked if we could push back my niece's portrait date to later in the year. My reply was that I only do outdoor photography (no studio available nearby) and that could pose a problem.

Then, the next day, my dear friend Andi- asked about doing some indoor shots when I work with their family later on in the year.

THEN- my Proverbs Woman event was scheduled for a local home show this fall and I've been asked what I'll be offering for my business since people don't really like to take their children for pictures in sub-freezing snowy weather.


So, I started thinking about setting up a studio here in my home or purchasing 'travel' equipment to take on site to the homes of my clients. I jumped on ebay this morning and was a little overwhelmed at some of the prices for my specific needs. Youch!

Then, I went to craigslist (this is the fabulous blessing part of the post) and found what I needed for cheap cheap cheap!! I was ecstatic... Then, the gentleman that sold me the items said that he has some other props/backgrounds that he was going to GIVE to me absolutely for free! And THEN (yes, it still gets better..) my boys and I headed over to a local thrift store with two things that I wanted to buy. First, one-two large sturdy foam blocks and also a huge black muslin curtain to hang for my background. About ten minutes later I found both items and one was even half priced!

Wowsers. I'm feeling so undeserving today, but yet He continues to provide. So now- I can do photography anywhere! Wahoo! My remedy to snow!


  1. Wow! If that doesn't have God written all over it, I don't know what does. Awesome blessing of provision (and direction)!

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