Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Baby is Three!

My youngest son turned three last week! We had my parents and a really special family over to celebrate with us. We had a great time!

(When I uploaded the pictures- they got totally out of order! Sorry for the flow issue...)

His big boy gift this year was a bike. We've upgraded from last year's tricycle and he's thrilled!

Here is the special family that spent the evening with us! We praise the Lord for their friendship.

Little "G" and Mommy! Don't you love the hat?

I had just put the cake and ice cream out on the table. Don't you love all three expressions?

Little bubby thoroughly enjoying his cake!

When it was time for his gift (the bike) we had little one sit on a chair facing the garage door. Daddy opened up the door and wheeled in the bike. This is little one seeing it for the first time! Priceless!

He jumped right on and started riding through the kitchen!

Big hugs of gratitude for daddy!

All the kiddos at the party!

Little one and his other favorite gift... the weed whacker and safety glasses!

Grandpa, of course, had to get into the act too! Love it!

Held up by one of his little buddies, Bubby blows out the candles on his cake! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures!! He's so expressive!! I enjoyed the pictures from your Proverbs woman event, too.
