Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Proverbs Woman (More news...continued)

Proverbs 31:31

"Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."

I would like to take the opportunity to share with you my heart on the matter of home-based business. I am an entrepreneur at heart- there is absolutely no way to get around that! I've tried many business ventures over the years (all from my imagination) and some have panned out and others have not. (ie: 7 years old; mobile kool-aid station in my little red radio flyer wagon; door to door; in the dead of winter).

Now that I am a SAHM (stay-at-home-mother), that hasn't really changed. Serving Christ is still my central focus- and my home and my family are priority. I do, however, love the idea of contributing to the financial needs of our home because of the joy that work brings!

Don't get me wrong- work 'inside' the home is consuming and very rewarding; but this allows me to work in a different way as time allows. I have known women who have wanted to work at/from home, but it took priority and everything suffered, causing much frustration and grief. There is a very fine line and my desire is to be wife and mommy first, homemaker second and lastly...entrepreneur.

In Proverbs 31:10-31, King Solomon speaks highly of the woman who is of noble character and provides for the needs of her husband and children. He speaks of her praiseworthy works and her buying/selling to provide. Her husband speaks highly of her and her children call her blessed.

There are many women who have taken on the task of not only serving the needs of their families and home, but also taking part in a God-honoring home-based business. The Proverbs Woman is my personal endeavor to provide an opportunity for these talented wives and mothers to showcase their business in a fun and rewarding way!

I have started an "organization" in which I host/promote an evening for 4-5 women in different areas of home business to gather together in a local venue with the express purpose of promoting their products.

The dates of this ladies only open house event are once every 12 weeks and is absolutely free! We encourage woman to invite their friends, family and neighbors to an evening of great food, drinks, free samples and door prizes as well as one GRAND prize package!

There will be no presentations and no pressure to purchase; just the ability to peruse fantastic items at your leisure from some fabulous proverbs women!

Would you like to start a Proverbs Woman organization in your area? Let me know!

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