Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Birthday Party

A little brotherly help with gift opening.

Some great friends sport the party hats for a quick kodak moment. Well, they were great friends...not so sure since I posted the pic. :)

My sister-in-law and and neice; go girl- it's outta there!

Enjoying Lego's on the back patio after the party.

E. & M. posing for my camera! We had so many cuties at the party!

Grandpa W. and the kiddos out in the overflow party area; aka: the garage.

My oldest and his cake; carrot cake that was fabulous!

Opening one of the gifts- a baseball bat...How did they know?!

This is my adorable neice, M. Isn't she precious? And- she gives just about the best hugs you can find on this side of the Mississippi. :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww, looks like all the kidos had a lot of fun. What cuties! And who else but Grandpa to make the kid's day. :)

    What a fun cake, did you make it Angel? Looks yummy.

    Love to all!!! Megs
