Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1000 Miles; 4 Days; 23 Hours; Road Trip

Hello bloggy friends! This weekend our family (including my parents) went on a road trip to visit my mom's family in Illinois! We started out on Friday morning and returned on Monday morning! We drove over 1000 miles and spent well over 23 hours in our van together! My parents drove their van and we did a nice little caravan. One might ask how 1000 miles turned into 23 hours of driving?! Oh, the joy of potty excursions and pizza hunting! Enjoy our weekend in pictures...

We stayed in my aunt's ranch out in the country on 40 acres. The boys had a wonderful time enjoying the weather (when it wasn't raining) and the rolling hills!

Road trip! Hold up those granola bars, boys!

Isn't he precious? Little one FINALLY fell asleep after a serious case of the traveled-out grumpies!

Kisses from my grandma! Isn't she cute? She is a few years from 90 and still going strong! She is my only grammy and is well loved!

Oldest plays a game of checkers with my cousin T. and her fiance.

Cousins! My poor T; She was stranded in Pennsylvania after a week long hospital ordeal with nobody around, so as soon as I arrived I booked her a flight home and she was able to spend some time with us. We were so glad to have there there to recoup!

Oldest and my Uncle R playing a game of "cards".

The birthday boys and girls celebrate together for the month of May! Oldest will be five this week! (There's that cute granny again as well as my aunt, mom, and son)

Some of the grandkids get together for a kodak moment with Grams. We were missing more than half of the cousins. There is a big handful of us! (My youngest was apparently very tired of pictures at this point)

Uncle B., Grandpa W. and little one get ready to ride the four wheeler around the property! Mommy was prepared with the helmet.

Is this not hysterical?! It was really really chilly one of the evenings and I hadn't brought any coats! My cousins' daughter lent oldest her coat (complete with pink fur trim) and her Barbie bike! He is totally posing for the picture! Do you love the hat or what- it really completes the outfit. Ha! :)

Wanted to throw this one in... We visited the Mark Twain Cave in Hannibal, Mo. Something I will probably never do again. I do not consider myself a claustrophobic person- but the thought of being totally underground in basic darkness had me completely on edge the entire 60 minutes of the tour. (Hubby walking ahead of me...)

Grandma & Grandpa W., Grams, and our family after our family reunion dinner.

Oldest and Grandpa take a ride on the four wheeler! Super cute and still loving that jacket! Hubby and I took our turn on the 4W and I just kept screaming like a banchee the entire time. Too bad we didn't have video of that- would have made for a very interesting blog posting!


  1. We have done a bit of spulunking (is that how it's spelled?). I've always enjoyed it.... not sure I would enjoy the unguided ones though.

    Looks like a fun family reunion.

  2. Hi! Looks like you had a wonderful trip. I would LOVE to tour Mark Twain's cave although I'm a little claustrophobic too. But for that, I'd deal.

    Happy Friday!
