Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Update in Pictures

I don't remember a time this year that I've felt as busy and overwhelmed as the past seven days have been. Craziness, friends, pure craziness!

Okay- so first...I sold my van. That was an adventure in itself. I posted an ad to a local buying/selling site with all the details and pictures and have done nothing but field calls and emails 13 hours a day. People would promise to come...I'd prepare all the documents and make sure we were home...and then they wouldn't show. Aaargh.

My life was kind of on hold every day- it's a good thing we considered this 'spring break' because we sure didn't get any school work done! Well, a really nice gentleman came last evening and purchased it for their family of seven. Whew, so glad that it is done! (**this just in... I just received a call from the buyer that when I filled the sale amount on the title I added a "dollar sign" that looked like a '1' to the agency- so they added an additional $1o00 to the sales prices and charged them double the taxes! Aaaahhh! So, now I have to go back to the title agency with the buyer and have it notarized AGAIN confirming that she was being honest. What has the world come to?***)

In the meantime we made the decision to purchase a new vehicle to replace the one for sale. It was about the easiest transaction ever! Lots of footwork, lots of calls, lots of time- but we feel so blessed! We found a wonderful family that gave us a FANTASTIC price for their Town and Country with super low miles! Truly, a blessing from the Lord. I'm not a materialistic person, but wanted to show you the picture...ain't it 'perty?

We had a 'celebration' dinner for our vehicle achievement last night and my mom helped the boys make party hats. Isn't that the cutest? They look like little popes. Ha!

The weather has been gorgeous the mid 70's almost all week. I love that my GREEN grass is back! My youngest was enjoying the search for bugs with his jar.

It was so nice yesterday we pulled out the spring/summer clothing totes up from the basement! Capri's, sandals, shorts and tee's! Hoorah! I decided to wear a pair of sandals last night and ran down to the basement to grab them. I was in such a hurry that I fell up the stairs wearing them. My left ankle/shin is super bruised and slightly swollen. It hurts so bad to walk. How am I gonna run?

Speaking of that- my 1/2 marathon is just days away! How's that for changing the subject?! To be honest, I haven't given it much thought lately! I don't know how mentally prepared I am, but I suppose at this point... 'it is what it is'. Don't get me wrong- I'm looking forward to it, but training for a spring race is sooooo different then training for a fall one. The weather has been completely unpredictable and that really throws a hitch into things. I feel pretty prepared, however, and it should be fun! (Weather is calling for that could be interesting!)

I hope you all are having a wonderful week! I'm looking forward to posting more about the emergent movement later in the week. I hope it's informative! I am also going to be doing a FREE spring giveaway in stay tuned! Lots to come, my dear bloggy friends!

Enjoy your week!

In Christ's faithfulness,



  1. Wow, you have been busy!! Congrats on the new van. I hope your race goes well.

  2. I have had a Town and Country for the last 4 years and absolutely love it. You won't be sorry! By the way, a number of the youth in our church are very strongly drawn to the emergent church. Your previous blog encourages me that we aren't the only ones concerned.

  3. Yea on selling your van! I like the new one too. Our new one is a Chevy Venture and I love it (the kids love the "matic" as they call them, doors), feels so solid.

    It looks so gorgeous there! I can't wait for warm weather. It was nice today, but we still have quite a bit of snow (especially the banks...they are up pretty high still).

  4. Half!!!! WOW! I can't wait to hear how it goes. I will be thinking of you Saturday and praying for you! Don't worry about being mentally there. You know what to expect!

    I was inches from signing up for the ING half here in Atlanta two weeks ago. I didn't because the weather had been so up and down and so was my running. And what would you know? it was 42 and rainy that morning! YUCK! I hope it's not so bad for you!
