Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Day in Pictures

The boys made hats. Super cute, aren't they? Oh, and they love that basketball hoop.

We are putting my van up for sale. All I did was answer craigslist ads all day long!

Maternity clothes must go on eBay! A nice lot of summer items, don't you think? Anybody need some cute S/M capri's?

The joy of potty training. Mr. Big Boy mastered the art of the potty in four days. By night 3 he was staying dry through all the waking hours, naps, and bedtime until morning. Can you believe that? It certainly had nothing to do with me- he's a man on a mission! Yeah, lil' Bub!


  1. Love the peek into your day! :)

    My boy has LOVED that hoop too! He has played w/it for 6 yrs. now.

  2. They are super cute. Wish I knew you were going to sell your van...we just bought one! :)

  3. We sold our old truck on Craigslist in less than an hour! My man put it up for sale at 11 before he went to bed one night and the next morning, he had a dozen emails and a few offering cash and to get it that morning! It was a done deal a few hours later! Love it. Hope you sells yours fast!

    I just sold a load of clothes on ebay. It's slow - maybe because of spring break?? I still did ok...
