Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Power of Persuasion

Yesterday the boys and I found Hi Ho Cherri-O in excellent condition at the thrift store. We have yet to own this particular board game and they were pleased as punch. So, in the past twenty four hours I have played HHC about sixteen-eleven times. This afternoon my oldest and I were playing, yet again, and I began to crave cherries. The longer we played...the more I wanted them. I could taste them and began thinking up creative ways that I would fix them into a delectable dessert.

A few minutes later when youngest woke up...we were off to Meijer to buy cherries. This evening I fixed a lovely pie and thought I would blog about it.'s a good thing we weren't playing Operation. I might have an overwhelming urge to get a little plastic surgery.


  1. You're funny...hope the pie was good.

  2. HI HO CHERRY-O !!!!!!! That was my all time favorite game when I was little. I played it all the time. A couple other favorites were Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. And then there were some basic matching games and such....ah, memories. Hope we can see you soon Angel. I think of you every time I wear my blue hoodie you got me. Thanks! :) Have a blessed week. -Meghan
