Monday, March 17, 2008

Mmmm Mmmm Monday

This title is probably taken. I am, however, going to take it just for today. And then...if nobody complains, maybe I'll come back next Monday with more Mmmm Mmmm fresh n' healthy recipes!

I tried out two new meals this weekend from the Sue Gregg cookbooks. A friend of mine passed these along to me a while back. Honestly, I don't think I realized the treasure that was stored on my shelf until about a week ago when I began to read through them. I've been convicted lately that my body is truly the temple of the Holy Spirit and that I haven't been feeding it very well lately. I was so focused on 'budget' eating that I was not concentrating on balanced nutrition as much as I needed to. The recipes in her books are not only super tasty, but healthy and designed for the budget shopper! She also shares scripture throughout, great nutrition instruction, as well as shoppings lists and more! Check out the link above for more info!

For breakfast this morning, we tried a variation of Sue's Breakfast Strata. Looks yummy, right? Daddy enjoyed it, but the boys were a little turned off by all the green veggies. I made it yesterday afternoon and let it chill overnight in the fridge. This morning I got up around 6am and popped it straight from the refrigerator into the oven then went back to bed. (It was in a stainless steel casserole dish covered with foil) I let it bake for about 45 minutes covered and then removed foil to let cheese crisp slightly to form a top crust. It was nice to have everything done and wake up to great smells from the kitchen! Recipe below!

Breakfast Strata

Yesterday afternoon we came home to shredded chicken tacos, rice and beans, and cottage cheese. This was from Sue's Main Dish cookbook. I wish I had taken a picture of it yesterday- it was so pretty served with all the fresh veggies and grated cheese! You'll have to settle for second best today... straight out of the tupperware with everything mixed together! Before we left for church in the morning, I boiled the chicken breast and cooked the rice. (Basmati long grain) I don't know about you, but when my family comes home, they are ready to eat NOW! When we came home all I had to do was grate the cheese, chop the veggies, bake the tortillas and fry the rice. Prep time was literally only about 15 minutes! It was really good! Looking forward to the leftovers today! Mmmm! Please email me if you would like this recipe!

Shredded Chicken Tacos


Whole Wheat Bread (torn into small cubes)
6-8 Eggs
1/2 cup Milk
Veggies of choice (broccoli, onions, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, etc.)
Black beans
1 Cup grated cheese
Ham- cubed or slice
Salt & Pepper to taste

Line greased casserole dish with bread cubes; mix eggs & milk/seasoning until well blended; cut veggies & meat and combine with egg mixture; pour all over bread; spread cheese evenly over top and cover. Bake immediately or let sit in fridge until ready to heat. Bake 375 degrees for one 45 minutes covered; 15 minutes with cover off. Serve warm with fruit and low fat sour cream!


  1. A friend of mine taught me how to cook bread from a book in this series from Sue Gregg. I've read them and taken some notes, but I don't have my own set. Thanks for posting the recipes!!

  2. That breakfast one looks good. My kids actually love all the veggies in our eggs, so I might try this. Thanks!
