Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Decision

If you are one of my faithful readers, it comes as no surprise that over the past four months I have been wavering regarding a decision to run in another half marathon six weeks before my first triathlon this spring. So much of my focus and training goals are wrapped up in the TRI and the idea of it, honestly, overwhelms me.

Enter my wonderful friend Lisa. She and I ran together in the last 1/2 marathon this past fall. She was an inspiration, to say the least! A couple of months ago our running group met for dinner and discussed the idea of training again together- almost all of us were on board and excited to do this again! Well, times has gone by and now only Lisa and I remain. So, today is the last day to register before the rates go up. Argh.

(And here I sit at the computer with my new blog (like it? trying something a tad 'spring-y') on one screen and the registration page for the Half on the other. It's looming over me. *grin*)

Today I went on a long run at the gym. I do not recommend this, friends! Treadmills were not meant for miles and miles. Can I just say agony? I rode the stationary bike at 105+ RPM for six miles and then jumped on the treadmill for another 6 mile run. Let me tell you now, I did not 'jump' off. No sir. It was more like a sliding...falling....very ungraceful...plop.

Decisions...decisions. Is it me or does something about winter obliterate any motivation?


  1. I definitely think winter has something to do with people not wanting to run. I will be so glad when the temps rise.

    BTW, thanks for calling me!!

  2. Winter is hard... so hard to get motivated - without a shadow of a doubt.

  3. I do NOT like running on my treadmill and it has been so cold and icy here, so my running miles have not been increasing. Spring has to be coming soon.
