Saturday, March 22, 2008


"Bid me run, and I will strive with things impossible."
William Shakespeare

My half marathon is just weeks away at this point. I figured I'd better start some hard core training since my winter has consisted of accidental trips to the gym. Last weekend my pal "L" and I did a ten mile run and it felt great. We came to our big finish and I honestly felt I could have run another ten. I was feeling very proud of myself because this was one of my longest runs since November! I went home that day with barely any aches and pains! (Although I will admit I was a little sore the next day going up and down the stairs.)

So, today I woke up and made up my mind that I would be doing twelve miles. I arrived at the meeting spot where three friends from my last marathon training group had decided upon. We did a little chatting...a little stretching...and then we were off! Unfortunately, I realized within about thirty seconds that I needed to find 'the little girl's room'. (Apologies, if you are currently finding the direction of this story going down hill fast. Better move on now... it only gets worse)

I was totally distracted from that point on because there is absolutely NO where for a person to relieve one's self. Very problematic. So, I went on a potty hunt...running all over creation. I had to divert from my group to run around parks, nature trails, etc trying to locate a bathroom! Nothing, people...nothing! Keep in mind- we are in the middle of basically nowhere. About three miles down I spot a port-a-potty in the middle of a horse corral in the middle of an open field. I have no idea why it was there, but it was my target. Of course the corral was gated here I am...decked out with my running tights, garmin forerunner, mp3, coolmax hoodie .blonde pony tail flailing in the wind, diving over fences! And...of all the places I could have landed... you guessed it- right in a huge pile of mud. I'm sure I broke more than trespassing law along my route.

So, finally after that little episode I made it back on the running route and could see my group about 1/2 mile ahead of me. I starting running about 8-8.5 minute miles trying to catch up. At mile six I caught up with them and was completely exhausted. But, I pushed to continue and finally made it to mile 12... My team was so sweet...everybody was waiting and cheering when I arrived. I was so tired! I have no idea why this week was so completely different, but I guess that's the way it goes sometimes. (On the bright about mile five I had a wonderful time of prayer! I felt complete and overwhelming joy of the majesty of our Lord! I know that God gives us times like this when we are discouraged to fill us with hope.)

I came home and basically collapsed for about three hours. Oh the soreness! I had to go to the grocery story this evening and that was torture too! I'm in my twenties, people! Aargh! But, yet- here I was again! Limping like I needed to ride in one of those electric grocery wheelchairs with the little basket on the front. After I went up toward the checkout line I realized I had forgotten my cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese. But I was hurting so bad that I didn't even turn around to retrieve it. It is indeed, a sad day when one must forgo curded cheese.

So, here I am... late Saturday night (yeah- it's 9pm) ...still limping from that crazy pain in my hip. My parents are coming over for our Resurrection celebration dinner tomorrow afternoon and I really should be cleaning. Should be. Hmmmm...

Signs that you might NOT be a Distance Person

- While training, you are passed by an old man with a walker.

- You scream "Stampede!" at the start of every race. (I'd love to try that once!)

- Your joints pop louder than fireworks when you stretch. (Oh, friend! That's me!)

- Your longest run was around the block. Well, most of the way around.

- That big finish line kick always ends with a crawl and a whimper. (Definitely today!)

- You can't help skipping and whistling while you run.

- You faint at the sound of the starter's pistol.

- You look for an ambulance at the end of each race. (Have I mentioned my interaction with the med tent in my last race?!)

- You cry at the sight of a hill. (Absolutely.)

- You roll down hills because you like the way the grass tickles.

Taken from:


  1. I thought this post was going to be about pirates.

    This one's my favorite: " Your longest run was around the block. Well, most of the way around." Made me laugh.

  2. Way to finish!

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your 1/2, you'll do great!

  3. Soo funny! This is why I don't run outside or run for that matter:-). Give me a treadmill with incline for me to walk on at a close distance to the potty because I will be needen it often.
