Monday, February 25, 2008

A Miracle!

Last night our family went to the communion service at our church. We arrived exactly at 6pm because we were running a little behind. Our oldest son has Awana on Sunday evenings which he absolutely loves- so he went on his way with daddy to his class. Although our youngest sits with us during the morning family worship service and some in the evening Bible study class- tonight the worship was to be held in the main sanctuary, so we decided to put him in a toddler class. Unfortunately, they were completely filled and unable to take him.

So, off to the main sanctuary we went with little one in tow. There was at least three to four hundred people in the service (maybe more) and our little guy was one among three other children that I saw in the service. I was so nervous because we hadn't brought his bag inside! I began to pray that the Lord would intervene and he would sit without making a sound! I continued to pray throughout and encouraged husband to do the same. I wanted us to be together as a family, but didn't want to be a distraction to those around us during such a sensitive and intimate service.

Truly, by a miracle of the Lord- he lasted almost one hour! He sat quietly on the pew next to me or in my lap and was silent! My two year old?! If you know him- you know this is a miracle. Understand, he is not a badly behaved child, but is very talkative and is constantly on the move.

Well, after an hour I dismissed myself with him to the family worship area that had just been opened up and sat with some friends for the following hour as we watched the service together. I had the most wonderful time of communion with my little one as I explained why I was doing what I did and what Jesus had done for us. He seemed to drink it in and even prayed with me- so cute- bowing his head with little eyes closed...hands in mine and muttering along under his breath. My heart just about melted.

Praise Him! I am so thankful that we had such a special evening and wanted to share with the rest of you, indeed, how great is our God!

**On a side note I must mention.... on our way out the door, my oldest son accidentally pulled the fire alarm and set off all the sirens. There was still quite a bit of people inside and let me tell you now... my kid really knows how to clear a room!

Happy 100th Posting! Thank you all for your wonderful comments and welcoming me into the community! I look forward to 100's more!


  1. Praise the Lord! That is awesome!!! How funny about your son pulling the fire alarm. when he was five, my youngest son did that at a museum. It was not funny.

    Happy 100th!

  2. wow, that is a miracle! I still have issues with my SEVEN year old making shooting and fighting noises with his army guys!!

    Take a peek at my posting today to see a give away opportunity if you are interested.

  3. The one who pulled the alarm was the same son who ran out on the b-ball court? HA! Don't you just LOVE boys???!!! They're awesome. Never a dull moment.

  4. hi,
    I am glad you read my blog. for the record, I would love to name my future son, if it is a boy, XAVIER. My wife will have none of it.

    I am going to do some research on the Hillary - homeschool issue. I have only heard rumors that she would like to see an end of it, but haven't ever seen a story or speech in print to verify it.

    anyway, thanks again for commenting, and have a great week in the Lord!

  5. That's great he sat still. We have family worship in our services and my two year olds would never last! By three and a half/four years they were good.

    Thanks for visiting my blogs! Your comments are so sweet. :)
