Saturday, February 2, 2008

Inspiration & Devotion

(Please pause sonific song spot prior to watching video)

As I've been training for my upcoming triathlon, I was inspired to hear and watch the familiar story of Dick and Rick Hoyt. This father/son team has competed in many races, but with the challenge unparalleled to any other race participants. I dare you to watch without a box of Kleenex.


  1. Hi Angelena
    Well your mileage has gone up too!!
    I was having some really great days and then last week I was not able to run at all!
    When I decided to get ready for a half marathn and that months issue of runners world came...I opened it all excited and the first article was about Ryan Shay' s death while running.I was freaking out!!!

  2. Their story is definitely an inspiration!
