Monday, February 11, 2008

Are You Telling Them?

(*Please Pause Sonific Songspot Prior to Playing Videos)

"Then Jesus said to them, 'So wherever you go in the world, tell everyone the Good News'."

Mark 16:15

Sometimes what I want to write I feel can be better expressed by sharing with you through music. I think that the Nickleback video ("Saving Me") is intriguing, but I do not wish to promote this particular band as 'Christian' in any way, shape or form. I do, however, think that they are putting forth a topic that is on the minds of many who do not know the Lord- "death". We are all going to die some day...when will it be? Are you ready? Are they ready? Are we telling them? Be looking for the analogy in the video in reference to evangelism...

I have always loved this song "I Wish We'd All Been Ready". First sung by Larry Norman- now by DC Talk, it always gets me thinking. I pray that we would take advantage of every opportunity to witness before our Savior returns. Remember, as you share the gospel with those around you, their 'response' is not your responsibility. We are only to be obedient to the commission given to us as believers. Share in love, but always in truth.


  1. I had not heard that Nickleback song. Very interesting video.

  2. Enjoyed the videos! I Wish We'd All Been Ready has been around a long time and I'm so glad that DC Talk has brought it back. It's something we need to keep at the front of our minds every day.

    I have done a couple of posts recently about telling others about Jesus.

  3. Interesting...
    off topic
    Do you have days where you have the time but dont want to run?I am beating myself for that!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing these. Very good.

    Good job on your miles!
