Saturday, January 26, 2008

That's My Kid!

Today my husband and I went on a date! A real, live, ended with ice cream cones kind of date. We spent an entire five hours of kid free togetherness! Of course, 75% of the time we talked about the kids...

My parents were so kind to watch the boys while we went out. My mom kept our youngest at home and my dad took my oldest to a boys/girls (elementary age) Saturday morning basketball game! Apparently, they stayed for quite a few games and my son was really into it. He loves sports of any kind and can get very wrapped up...

Well, about halfway into the girl's game, one of the players got a hold of the ball and was quickly coming down to the other basket for the score. Bubby jumped up out of the bleachers and dove onto the court, threw up his hands and tried to 'guard' the fast breaking player. The ref blew the whistle to avoid my son from getting trampled and then escorted him back to grandpa!

Yep, that's my kid!


  1. I love it when the grandparents volunteer to keep the kids so Hubby and I can have some quiet time together. What a treat!!

    Hilarious story about your son at the basketball game! I wonder if anyone caught that on tape?

  2. How funny! Hey, my hubby and I had a date day today too! My mom had the boys all day (since 9am and we got back at 7:30pm) and we shopping! HA! ...and other things, like, Home Depot to get paint etc. Had a nice lunch out, and, yes, talked about the kids 75% of the time! So nice to just have a day together. I am so thankful that my mom lives so close. Glad you had a nice time too!

  3. Thats a funny story!!!
    Glad you guys had fun on a date

  4. It was a nice time. We have not been out in ages. - The Husband
