Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Okay, so this idea's totally unconventional, but completely yummy! The boys and I wanted peanut butter and jelly sandwiches yesterday, but had no jelly. I rummaged the freezer for my frozen berries and tossed them in to boil. Unfortunately, I didn't have any canning supplies on hand. Not wanting to have runny pb & j sandwiches...we improvised. I found a box of jell-o (margherita lime was all the pantry held- I'd encourage another flavor if at all possible) and in it went! A little fridge time later...voila! We have jelly-o!

Bill Cosby would be proud...or confused.


2 cups fruit sweetened *(boiled down)
2 Tbsp water
1/2 package jell-o

*If the fruit isn't sweetened- add 1/4 cup sugar or 2 tbsp honey (the jell-o has plenty of sugar already in it- so sweetener isn't completely necessary)

Stir all ingredients and place in fridge for cooling. Enjoy!


  1. wow, I am impressed! How creative and what great thinking. I would have smeared the berries on, but not even thought to add the jello, although interesting flavor as it was, I am sure your children think you are amazing! :) At the end of the day, that is what us mommies really want.

  2. Wow! I'm impressed.

    I think I've said that to you before, though.
