Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bloggy eBreak

To my wonderful new friends in the blog community...

I will be taking a short sabbatical in order to prepare our homeschool schedule for the new year. I look forward to reading your posts and writing some new ones of my own when I return next week!

May you be blessed in Christ and enjoy your week!



  1. God bless you as you prepare for this next school year. Have a great break!

  2. What a grand idea. See you then. Oh, I stuck to my grocery list (followed your lead) and got back into spending less- $60 should last us for the next 10 days but for milk, bananas and salad stuff.

  3. Hey, you're doing great with your miles! You will be missed this week!

  4. How fun! I just spent several hours, holed up in our school room, planning and plotting for the remainder of the school year.

    May God bless you as you spend time in much thought, prayer and preparation, and as you seek to hear His voice for your family.
