Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rain Hats

For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.
Isaiah 44:3
This morning at the breakfast table we heard the 'pitter-patter' of a rain shower begin. The boys were delighted and ran over to the windows to look out. I smiled as I walked out of the room for a couple of minutes. When I returned, my oldest son had opened the back door and enjoying the rain in full force. I noticed that they both held spoons (metal, mind you...) over their heads. I inquired as I went to get the camera for "blog material" as daddy puts it. "Rain hats, mommy!" Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Enjoy your day!


  1. Hey thanks for visiting my blog! I am finally getting use to Ohio. I have been to Columbus once, to the airport.
    I use to run marathons I stopped when I got married. I want to start training again but I think I am going to wait until spring?

  2. Cute. I think it is going to rain here too...we might need a few "spoons" to go watch my son's soccer game this afternoon.

    I love the post about your dad and the picture of him with all the kids on the tractor.

  3. A,

    Funny pix! We're on our 6th straight day of rain . . . waiting for the sun to return!
