Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bloggy Boyz

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb a reward..."
Psalm 127:3-5
Due to popular demand, I am adding more pics of the boys...hopefully on a bi-weekly basis! Enjoy!
"Firefighter Boys" (No, I wasn't burning the food...they just felt compelled to put out the flame under the pan!)
My youngest enjoys helping daddy in the yard. No... the mower is NOT on! :)
Oh, that brotherly love...
Is it me, or does my little guy look a bit concerned about what's over the other side of that zoo fence?
My oldest loves bulldozers and all things big machine related! He actually had the opportunity to drive and work with some of these big construction rigs at our local science center!


  1. Your boys are so cute! I have 3 and we are looking to adopt another (we would adopt either boy or girl but I would LOVE another boy!). Everyone keeps telling me I "need" a girl, but I think if that were the case, God would have given me a girl. I have so many pictures of my older boys dressed up just like that (their daddy is a volunteer firefighter) when they were younger. It goes too quick. I am anxious to hear how your marathon goes! (I am a little jealous, I have wanted to run one for a while, it just hasn't worked out.)

  2. more thing. Just had to say that I like that Hillbilly Housewife website. Thanks for the link!
