recipes. whatever is true. adoption. whatever is just. redemption. whatever is honorable. modesty. whatever is pure. motherhood. whatever is lovely. think about it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Book Giveaway: "Revolution in World Missions"


This new book giveaway is open for one full week! (closes 11/12/07 at 4pm) You will find this book challenges the way you view overseas missions- a wonderful read!
I'm not sure how other giveaway's go, but since I'm the new girl on the 'blogger block', I'd love to have some traffic on my blog!
So....All you have to do is leave a comment on this post letting me know that you're going to refer a friend! They, in turn, can leave a comment too as they refer their friends! I'll do a random draw next Monday with everyone who 'entered'! If you are the winner- you will be notified via email!


Leah said...

Go ahead and sign me up, and plan on me referring a few. =)

Knit-Wit said...

Hi! My cousin, Leah, sent me over to say welcome to Bloggyland and sign up for your book giveaway. Hope you get lots of traffic!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I was referred by Karolee and glad I stopped by! I hope the give away brings you lots of traffic!!!

Stop on by and enter by CANDLE giveaway too!

I will add you to my blog roll.

Tracy said...

Hey, I will send a few over to ya! Looks like a good book!